Karate Terminology

With this karate dictionary, we would like to offer to all karatékas and interested persons a page of reference translating and explaining principles of the karate terminology. Owing to the very extensive general vocabulary of the martial art karate, this dictionary may represent a limited part of the special terms only and, thus, does not lay claim to completeness. The spelling of the Japanese special terms corresponds to international standards. All terms are written in Latin transcription considering the pronunciation and are arranged in alphabetical order. |
AGE UKE , upper rising block, generally used to guard against an attack to the face; can also be used effectively as an attack
AGE ZUKI (TSUKI), rising punch. Seen in the kata Empi
AGE-EMPI UCHI, upward elbow strike. Sometimes called tate empi uchi, as seen in the kata Nijushiho
ASHI BARAI, foot/leg sweep
ASHI, foot or leg
ASHI URA, sole of foot
ASHI WAZA, name given to all leg and foot techniques
ASHIBO-KAKE UKE, leg hooking block, in which the leg is raised to the side and swung in a circle to deflect an
ASHIKUBI-KAKE UKE, ankle hooking block. Normally used to block a front kick; similar in motion to ashibo-kake uke
ASHIZOKO, bottom foot, used to sweep an opponent's foot during ashi barai CHUDAN Mid-section
ATE WAZA, smashing techniques
ATEMI WAZA, striking techniques that are normally used in conjunction with grappling and throwing techniques
AWASE UKE, combined block. A generic term for any combined block
AWASE ZUKI, combined punch, or U punch. Also referred to as morote zuki
BU, military/ martial
BUDO, military way or martial way
BUDOKA, military way person.
BUNKAI, an analysis of the techniques and application of kata
BUSHI, warrior
BUSHIDO, way of the warrior
CHOKU ZUKI, straight punch = kara zuki
CHUDAN UDE UKE, middle level forearm block
CHUDAN UKE, middle level block. A general term for middle level blocks
CHUDAN ZUKI , a punch to the mid-section of the opponent's body
DAN ZUKI, consecutive punching (same hand)
DO, way/path
DOJO, place of the way, the place where martial art is practised
DOMO ARIGATO GOZAIMASHITA , thank you very much
EMBUSEN , performance line of a given kata
EMPI UCHI, elbow strike also called hiji ate
EMPI UKE, Elbow block. A general term for the blocking action using the elbow
ENSHO, round heel
FUDO DACHI, rooted stance, also called sochin dachi
FUKUTO, the outside of the lower part of the thigh
FUMI DASHI, straightening the pivot leg strongly and sliding the moving leg lightly while keeping the hips level
FUMIKIRI GERI,cutting kick
FUMIKOMI GERI, stamping kick
FUSHI, joint, knuckle
GANKAKU DACHI, crane stance
GANMEN, head and face area
GASSHUKU, special training camp
GEDAN BARAI, lower level sweep
GEDAN BARAI UKE, lower level sweeping block, same as the gedan barai but using it as a block
GEDAN KAKE UKE, downward hooking block
GEDAN, lower section of body
GEDAN SOTO UDE UKE, lower level outside forearm block, as seen in the kata Tekki Nidan
GEDAN UDE UKE, low forearm block
GEDAN UKE, lower Level block
GEDAN ZUKI, a punch to the lower section
GERI & ASHI WAZA kicks and foot/leg techniques
GERI /KERI , kick.
GO NO SEN , the tactic where one allows the opponent to attack first so to open up targets for counter-attack
GOHON KUMITE, five steps basic sparring. The attacker steps and attacks five times one after the other , attacking on each step,while the defender steps back five times, blocking each technique. After the fifth block, the defender applies a counter-attack, usually jodan tsoki then chudan tsoki, maigeri chudan, ma washi geri jodan, yokogeri chudan and the final technique is ushirio geri kekumi
GOSHIN JUTSU, art of self-defence. In some styles this is practised instead of kata and freestyle
GOSHIN, self defence
GYAHU HANMI, reverse half-front facing position
GYAKU ASHI, reverse foot
GYAKU KAITEN, reverse rotation (against technique)
GYAKU MAWASHI GERI, reverse round-house kick
GYAKU ZUKI, reverse punch
HACHIJI DACHI, open leg stance. The feet are positioned about one shoulder width apart and pointed outwards at 45 degrees
HACHIMAKI, head wrapping. It is the cloth wrapped round the head to stop sweat from running in to the eyes,
HAI, yes/lung
HAIBU, the back area
HAIMEN, back or rear side
HAISHU, back-hand
HAISHU UCHI, back hand strike. It is the strike with the back of the hand where the hand and fingers should be straight
HAISHU UKE, back hand block. A block using the back of the hand
HAISOKU, Instep of the foot (the area on the top of the foot)
HAITO, ridge-hand
HAITO UCHI, ridge-hand strike
HAITO UKE, ridge-hand block
HAI-WAN, back arm; upper side of the forearm
HAIWAN NAGASHI UKE, back-arm sweeping bloc
HAIWAN UKE, back arm block
HAJIME, begin. It is the command given to start a given technique, kata, or kumite
HANGETSU DACHI, half-moon stance
HANMI, half-front-facing position
HARA, abdomen, the same as tanden
HARAI TE, sweeping technique with the arm
HARAI WAZA, sweeping techniques
HASAMI ZUKI, scissor punch
HATA, flag (the flags used by referees during competitions)
HEIKO ZUKI, parallel punch; (a double, simultaneous punch)
HEISOKU DACHI, an informal attention stance
HIDARI KAMAE, left posture, used to describe when your left side is forward in a stance
HIDARI, left (left side)
HIRAKEN, flat fist or fore knuckle fist
HIZA, knee or lap
HIZA GERI, knee kick
HIZA UKE, blocking action using the knee
HOMBU DOJO, it is the term used to refer to the central dojo
ICHI BYOSHI, in one breath
IKKEN HISATSU, to kill with one blow
IPPON KUMITE, basic one-step sparring
IPPON NUKITE, one finger strike. It is a stabbing action using the extended index finger
IPPON TSUKI, one finger thrust. Today we use the term ippon nukite
. JIYU IPPON KUMITE, one step free sparring. The participants can attack with any technique, whenever ready
JIYU KUMITE, free sparring
JODAN UKE, high level block
JODAN, upper level, neck and above
JUJI UKE, X-block
KAGI UKE, hooking block
KAGI ZUKI, hook punch
KAISHO, open hand; this refers to the type of blow which is delivered with the open palm
KAISHO UKE, open hand block
KAKATO GERI, axe kick, striking with the back of the heel KAKATO Heel (of the foot)
KAKE UKE, hooking block
KAKIWAKE UKE , reverse wedge block. A two-handed block using the outer surface of the hand
KAMAE /GAMAE, position / posture or stance
KAN, hall, house, building, place
KARATE, empty hand
KARATE-DO, Way of Karate, not only the physical aspect of karate
KARATEKA, a practitioner of karate
KEAGE, kick up, snapping kick
KEITO UCHI, chicken head strike
KEITO UKE, chicken head block
KEKOMI, thrust kick (literally, kick into/straight)
KENTSUI / TETTSUI UCHI , hammer fist strike
KENTSUI TETTSUI UKE, hammer fist block
KERI WAZA, kicking techniques
KESA GERI, diagonal kick
KIAI, spirit focus a focusing yell,One should try to preserve the feeling of kiai within techniques
KIBA DACHI , straddle stance, horse riding stance
KIHON, fundamental. Used to refer to basic techniques
KIME , focus of power; decisive technique (“decision”)
KINTEKI , testicles
KIZAMI ZUKI, jabbing punch
KOKUTSU DACHI , back stance
KOKYO , breathing (rhythm)
KOSA DACHI , cross stance or crossed-feet or crossed legged stance
KOSA UKE, crossed block
KOSHI, ball of the foot
KUMITE, sparring
KUSAGAKURE, outside edge of the top of the foot
KUZUSHI, crushing the enemy
MAE ASHI GERI, kicking with the front leg
MAE EMPI UCHI/ MAE HIJI ATE, Forward elbow strike MAE , front
MAE GERI, front kick
MAE GERI KEAGE , front snapping kick
MAE GERI KEKOMI, front thrust kick
MAE TOBI GERI, jumping front kick
MAKIWARA, punching board, literally straw wrap
MANABU, learning by imitating. A method of studying movement and techniques by following and imitating the instructor
MANJI UKE, Hi/low block (Heian Godan)
MAWASHI EMPI UCHI ( mawashi hiji ate), circular elbow strike
MAWASHI GERI, roundhouse kick
MAWASHI ZUKI, roundhouse punch
MAWATTE, this is a command given to turn around
MEN, face
MIGI KAMAE, right posture
MIGI, right (right side)
MIKAZUKI GERI, crescent kick
MIKAZUKI, lower ridge of the lower jaw
MOKUSO, meditation . This is practice often begging or at the end of training, with a brief period of meditation
MOROTE UKE, assisted block. One arm and fist supports the other arm
MOROTE ZUKI /AWASE ZUKI, U-punch. Punching with both fists simultaneously
MUSUBI DACHI, Informal attention stance, heels placed together, feet at 90 degrees, but with each foot turned out at 45 degree
NAGASHI UKE, sweeping block
NAIHANCHI DACHI, it is similar to kiba dachi, but with the feet turned in. Funakoshi Sensei changed the name Naihanchi to Tekki
NAMI ASHI, inside snapping block, also known as returning wave. This can be seen in the kata Tekki Shodan
NEKO-ASHI DACHI, cat's foot stance, or as commonly called, cat stance
NIDAN GERI, double jumping kick, this can be seen at the end of the kata Kanku Dai
NIHON NUKITE, two finger strike
NUKITE, spear hand, straight thrust
OI ZUKI, lunge punch.
ONEGAI SHIMASU, I welcome you to train with me or literally I make a request. Said to the partner when initiating practice
OSAE UKE, pressing block
OTOSHI, downward/dropping
OTOSHI EMPI UCHI, an elbow strike executed by dropping the elbow. Also can be said otoshi hiji ate
OTOSHI-UKE, dropping block
REI, respect. This is a way of showing respect in Japanese culture to each other by bowing
REIGI, etiquette.
REN GERI, consecutive kicking, alternate kicking, for example: left and then right
RENZOKU GERI, combination kick
SANBON KUMITE, three step sparring
SANBON ZUKI, A series of three punches, generally the first is oi zuki jodan, followed by a slight pause then two chudan oi zuki
SANREN ZUKI, three consecutive punches
SEIKEN, fore fist, regular fist
SEIRETSU, lining up
SEIZA, proper sitting position where one kneels with feet pointed and crossed at the back
SEN NO SEN , attacking at the exact moment when the opponent attacks
SEN SEN NO SEN, attacking before the opponent attacks – pre-emptive attack
SHIHON NUKITE, four finger strike
SHIKO DACHI, square stance, or four thigh stance also sometimes called sumo stance
SHIN, Heart
SHIRI, Buttocks
SHITA, Tongue
SHIZEN DACHI, natural stance, body relaxed but alert
SHOMEN, front or top of head, also it is the designated front of a dojo
SHUTO, knife-hand
SHUTO UCHI , knife hand strike
SHUTO UKE, knife-hand block
SOCHIN DACHI /FUDO DACHI, rooted stance: diagonal straddle leg stance.
SOKKO, top of the foot
SOKUTEI, sole of foot
SOKUTO, edge of foot; the striking area in a side thrust kick
SOTO UDE UK, outside forearm block or sometimes said as lower wrist block. Block from outside inward
SOTO UKE, outside block, normally a shortened version of soto ude uke
SUIGETSU, solar-plexus
TACHI DACHI, standing or stance.. in
TAI, body
TAI SABAKI , body movement/shifting/angling
TAMESHI WARI, test of technique's power
TANDEN, one's centre of gravity, navel area; (also see Hara)
TATE EMPI UCHI, upward elbow strike
TATE SHUTO UKE, vertical knife-hand block
TATE URAKEN UCHI, vertical back-fist strike
TATE ZUKI, vertical punch, punch with the palm
TE GATANA UKE, hand sword block, this is now most commonly referred to as shuto uke
TE, hand
TEIJI DACHI, stance with the feet in a T-shape
TEISHO BARAI, palm heel sweep, as seen in the kata Unsu
TEISHO, palm
TETTSUI UCHI/ KENTSYI, bottom fist strike
TOBI GERI, jumping kick
TOMOE, stomach
TSUKAMI UKE, grasping block
TSUKI WAZA, punching techniques
UCHI MAWASHI GERI, inside roundhouse kick
UCHI UDE UKE, inside forearm block. Block from inside outward
UCHI-KOMI, deep strike
UCHI-UKE, inside block generally used as a short version of uchi ude uke
UDE, forearm
UDE UKE, forearm block
UKE, block
URA ZUKI / STAZ ZUKI, an upper cut, close punch used at close range
URAKEN, back knuckle; back-fist
URAKEN UCHI, back fist strike
URAKEN UKE, back fist block.
USHIRO, back or rear
USHIRO EMPI UCHI, striking to the rear with the elbow
USHIRO GERI, back kick
USHIRO MAWASHI EMPI UCHI, back roundhouse elbow strike
WAZA, technique
YAMA ZUKI, U-shaped double punch:
YASUMI, rest /relax, a term used by the instructor to the students
YOI , ready
YOKO EMPI UCHI, side elbow strike
YOKO GERI KEAGE, side snap kick.
YOKO GERI KEKOMI, side thrust kick
YOKO GERI, side kick
YOKO, side
YOKO TOBI GERI, flying side kick
YORI ASHI, sliding the feet, moving both feet at the same time without changing
YUBI , finger
ZANSHIN KAMAE , Awareness posture
ZANSHIN, remaining in a balanced and aware state after a technique has been completed
ZENKUTSU DACHI, forward stance. The actual translation means front knee bent stance
ZENSHIN, forward, entire body
ZORI, Japanese slippers
ZUKI / TSUKI, punching
ZUNO, Head or brains
Ichi 1
Ni 2
San 3
Shi 4
Go 5
Roku 6
Shichi 7
Hachi 8
Ku 9
Ju 10
AIUCHI, Simultaneous scoring technique. No point awarded to either contestant. Referee brings fists together in front of the chest
AKA, Red
AKA, (SHIRO) IPPON Red (White) scores Ippon. The Referee obliquely raises his arm on the
side of the winner (as in ...No kachi)
AKA, (SHIRO)NO KACHI Red (White) wins. The Referee obliquely raises his arm on the side of the winner
ATENAI YONI, Warning without penalty. This may be imposed for attempted minor infractions or for the first instance of a minor infraction. The Referee raises one hand in a fist with the other hand covering it at chest level and shows it to the offender
ATOSHI BARAKU, A little more time left. An audible signal will be given by the time keeper 30 seconds before the actual end of the bout
CHUI, Warning [short of an actual penalty]
ENCHO, Extension or continuation. The overtime period in a bout which was drawing to the end of the normal time
ENCHO-SEN, Extension. After a draw, the match goes into overtime. Referee reopens the match with command Shobu hajime
FUJUBUN, Not enough power
FUKUSHIN SHUGO, Judges conference. A term used in competitions calling the corner judges to come together
HANSOKU, Foul. This is imposed following a very serious infraction which results in the opponent's score being raised to sanbon/ ippon. The Referee points with his
index finger to the face of the offender at a 45 degree angle and announces victory for the opponent.
HANSOKU CHUI, Warning [with an ippon /wazari penalty] Hansoku-chui is usually imposed for infractions for which a keikoku has previously been given a warning in that bout.The Referee points with his index finger to the abdomen of the offender, parallel to the floor.
HANSOKU GACHI, Winner by violation. Where your opponent has violated the rules and been disqualified.
HANSOKUMAKE, Loser by violation
HANTEI, Judgement. Where the judges choose a winner. Referee calls for judgment by blowing his whistle and the judges render their decision by flag signal
HANTEI KACHI, Winner by decision
HASHI, Edge or border, used to describe the area used in competition
HIKIWAKE, Draw. Referee crosses arms over chest, then uncrosses and holds arms out from the body with the palms showing upwards
IPPON SHOBU, One point match, used in tournaments
JOGAI, Exit from fighting area. The Referee points with his index finger at a 45 degree angle to the area boundary on the side of the offender
JOGAI KEIKOKU, Second exit from fighting area [waza-ari penalty is given to the opponent]
JOGAI HANSOKU CHUI, Third exit from fighting area. Referee uses two hand signals with the announcement "Aka (or Shiro) jogai hansoku chui". He first points with his index finger to the match boundary on the side of the offender, then to the offender's abdomen [an Ippon is awarded to the opponent]
KACHI, Victorious in a tournament
KEIKOKU, Warning [with waza-ari penalty in sanbon shobu]. Keikoku is imposed for minor infractions for which a warning has previously been given in
that bout, or for infractions not sufficiently serious enough to merit hansoku-chui. Referee points with his index finger to the feet of the offender at an angle of 45 degrees
KIKEN, Renunciation. The Referee points one index finger towards the contestant
MIENAI, I could not see. A call by a judge to indicate that a given technique was not visible from his/her angle
MOTO NO ICHI, Original Position. Contestants, referee and judge return to their respective standing lines
MUBOBI, Warning for lack of regard for ones own safety. Referee points one index finger in the air at a 60 degree angle on the side of the offender
RENSEI, Practice tournament. Competitors are critiqued on their performances
SHOBU SANBON, Three point match
SHOBO IPPON, One Point match
SHIAI, A match or a contest
SHIKKAKU, Disqualification. This is a disqualification from the actual tournament,competition, or match. The opponent's score is raised to sanbon] In
order to define the limit of shikkaku, the Referee Council must be consulted. Shikkaku may be invoked when a contestant commits an act
which harms the prestige and honour of Karate-Do and when other actions are considered to violate the rules of the tournament. Referee uses two hand signals with the
announcement aka (shiro) - shikkaku." He first points with his index finger at the offender's face, then obliquely above and behind him. The Referee will announce with
the appropriate gesture as previously given "aka (shiro) no kachi!"
SHIRO, White
SHOBU IPPON HAJIME, Start the one Point match
SHOBU SANBON HAJIME, Start the three point match